“Star Trek” High Definition Screencaptures

Sunday, Oct 4, 2009

I would like to thanks Andreas for sending in high quality screencaptures of Winona on Star Trek. As you may know, her part was short which means “just a few captures”. But hopefully I’ll be able to get the DVD when it gets out, and her deleted scenes will be available to be inserted.

The movie is coming to DVD and Blu-Ray next November 17, so you can get the antecipated high definition images of Amanda Grayson portrayed by lovely Winona. Enjoy!

5 Comments on ““Star Trek” High Definition Screencaptures”

  1. …hmm …so this is her appearing older looking in this strange new ‘Trek’ film, huh …and to think I still have not seen it …she does look different, disguised somewhat and it makes one wonder how her character and the others will fit into the real meanings of destiny in this new version when I view it …why I have not seen this is a mystery unto myself, I’m only a mild Star Trek fan, perhaps, though the last trailer did make me feel spiritually energized …sadly, some things do get missed in life …this is to me Winona’s most interesting film choice by far, and I mean that in very good way… I was very surprised knowing this… I feel she wants to be more unassuming in her roles, but if I could tell her personally I would say “You can try as hard as you can, Winona, to not be seen, but the thing is you are so seen. Many could ask you what is your actual powers.” …hmm? Huh? What? I would say to them.
    No need to answer, let them think about it, I surely know.

  2. Thanks for those early HD-caps.

    I still like to remember the reviews by fans and critics – and Leonard Nimoy – who said that Winona was one of the highlights of the movie.

    I’m eager to see the cut scenes – but according to the dvd information there’re only 3 more:

    – Spocks birth
    – after Spock hit those idiots while beeing a child
    – before Spock went to Starfleet

  3. I just say winona still is was will be who she is and just for that I am right in heart and mind about loving her the way I do… Aint sceered to admit the truth to any one at anytime. I can say this she has stepped up and back in whare she should be, winona is a seasoned pro and not scared to trial and error I respect those who go out on the end of the limb so is to bring fresh new and raise the bar for everyone to be driven to better themselfs, the reality right now does bite. However I know hard work dedication {patience}and the uncondition love that is presented by those of us who will pain through and do what is hard at the time of need rather than run to the broadway and i see winona walking stronger and will be in the midst of angels &saints and those who endeaver to fly higher than the stars :love: <3 :shutup: ➡ 8) :blush: :wassup:

  4. I finally seen Star Trek late last night and I found it to be very exciting on many levels, particulary with the older Spock showing up via time-travel and his waxing-nostalgic interactions with the younger Kirk, Spock and Scotty. Having said that, I hope everyone reading this has seen the film …if not, the best plot spoiler has just been revealed to them. Winona’s scenes did have me wanting more of her, but hey, that actually made it somehow even more special …and hopefully for her, personally, as well… 🙂

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