As you can see, there’s a new layout up.
Of course, there’s some sections needing finalization (filmography, videos, press), but the whole online content was updated. I’m still finishing the gallery transfer, so there’s no one appearance image. But this will be finished tonight.
Well, I hope you like it as much I did.
The old board was deleted, because I decided to install a new script to prevent spammers. I hope now we can chat without those stupid messages around the whole board. Please register again and enjoy the new and improved forum.
it looks fantastic, i love the colours and the pictures you used 🙂
purrrrtttttyyyyyyy =DDD
Hey Jess and Annie! Thanks!
Looks good, much cleaner too.
I told you before and I’ll tell you again: LOVE it! 😀
Hello! Good Site! Thanks you! nljueayarlwt
Vou casar com essa mulher branquinha; cor de leite.
eu vou ter filhos com ela.
eu–sou a alma gemia dela.!!!
mas seria bom se ela estivesse sempre loirinha.
Loira minha; boneka–barbye.
loirinha–de–verdade= sò os e.u.a tem uma verdadeira loira como voce.
voce e MINHA!!!!!!!
voce e propriedade dos=
=estados unidos da america=
=e do DANIEL=eu.
linda minha.