Say it again, Mr Thornton…

Monday, Aug 4, 2008

Billy Bob Thornton, on learning that his co-stars in The Informers were Winona Ryder and Mickey Rourke, told Total Film magazine:

“You gotta worry when I’m the sanest person on set.”

6 Comments on “Say it again, Mr Thornton…”

  1. hehe….funny

    btw: there are some pics of Hillary Duff from the Stay Cool set on the well-known celeb picture sites – but sadly none of Winona so far…

  2. Yeah, I saw it. Hilary and Josh Holloway pictures; the same happens with Pippa Lee, I saw pics from Keanu, Monica, Julianne, Blake, and none of Winona.

  3. Maybe Winona is just not interesting enough today. When have you seen the last pics of her in a local mag or newspaper? For germany: during her trial…)-:

    As I said on AGCN, the last movie we had was Mr. Deeds – so I’m still quite pessimistic of seeing any of her upcomming movies in cinemas here in germany…)))-:

  4. guess what geniuses’ there IS no def. for sane or insane…call her either that again and dont go to sleep…’ll know when it hits….WE do….

  5. are the pics all you guys see or look at??? i mean its her…and her eyes…thats all.whats farther than that?..i just wish you guys would see them just once…the way they do…thats all, and honestly folks,,,..tell me who else can do what she does with hers..?….really.

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