Winona Forever: 10 Years Anniversary

Sunday, Mar 30, 2014

So, today our website is turning 10 years old. It’s crazy how many time has passed and yet, it doesn’t seems so.

Winona Forever is my passion project, created due a wish to have a place to reunite fans and show my appreciation on this amazing actress. And here we are, 10 years later. Thanks everyone who’s with us since our first post!

To celebrate, as you can see, we have a new layout featuring the gorgeous images published on Red magazine. I had other things planned, but unfortunately, it didn’t work. I hope you like the layout, tho!

14 Comments on “Winona Forever: 10 Years Anniversary”

  1. Very beautiful layout, I like it! She’s so cute on it!..
    Congratulations with Anniversary!

  2. The site looks amazing! love that the background is from the Red magazine shoot! she looks stunning!

  3. Thanks for your great site, keeping us up to date with this wonderful actress’s work and appearances!

  4. Eu passei a admirar a Noni a partir do Mãos de Tesoura, uns 20 anos +/-, tornou-se a minha musa hollywoodyana, mesmo se o filme em q ela aparece não é lá essas coisas, mesmo assim me faz muito bem vê-la atuando, me faz bem ficar observando as centenas de imagens dela q peguei na internet. Primeiro foi o site “andgodcreatednoni” q me ajudou (grupo soap? soup? sei lá…) mas o site “sumiu”, depois de um tempo eu descobri o sob a administração da majestosa Luciana, puxa vida, q bom! a alegria de conferir rigorosamente um site para ver novidades sobre a Noni voltou, de lá pra cá só tenho a agradecer. Eu só queria falar mais contigo Luciana, seria ótimo ter uma amizade q entende + da Noni muito muito muito + q eu, mesmo vc sendo são-paulina (eca :P) eu sempre tive vontade de conversar mais contigo… enfim, parabéns pelo site, parabéns pelos milhares de fãs de todo mundo q zapeiam por aqui. André Oliveira.

  5. Congratulations on a job well done! We, the fans of Winona Ryder, are very appreciative of your efforts and of course, your passion! CHEERS!

  6. hi. I am from Asia. I check this site religiously :)) and in this special moment i’d like to say congrats to you for build this site beautifully and maintain it for years. Wish the best for Noni, you and all of her fans all around the world. Cheers!

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