Winona featured at GQ US

Monday, Dec 13, 2010

Thanks to Magazine Shelter, we learn that Winona has a 4 page feature in the January issue of GQ US.

You’ll have more info, photos and scans asap.

6 Comments on “Winona featured at GQ US”

  1. this is asia fans. what is GQ? The magazine named as GQ itself or any full name? maybe can get 1 at my news stand.

  2. Great to see her back in business. Now she just needs a proper leading role with Scorsese or Woody Allen to show that she is one of the finest actresses ever.

  3. @ Riz— GQ stands for Gentlemen’s Quarterly. You’ll see it as GQ(in big bold letters) on newstands. It falls under Men’s Interest section.

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