Follow Us on Twitter!

Friday, Sep 4, 2009

I just follow the Paul’s suggestion, done in our comments, and set a Twitter account for our site:

Still browsing to see if I can insert here some plugins to make it easier. You know, I’m a lazy girl. 🙂

Follow us!

2 Comments on “Follow Us on Twitter!”

  1. Hello Ms. Ryder,

    That is my personal private email. Is this really your website as well as the “real” twitter account? There are way too many twitter accounts with your name. I am a nobody in the world or yours. You could say, you were me before you became a star. I’m not much for the public interest, I’m private and keep to myself. I wish there was a way for us to communicate more privately because to be honest, who knows who will read this before you get it, if you get it. More to follow if you respond.

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