The Informers @ Sundance

Friday, Jan 23, 2009


“The Informers” premiered last night at Sundance. But Winona wasn’t there, either Bob Thornton, Mickey Rourke or Kim Basinger. Btw, you can view images of premiere at Adoring Amber Heard, which attended with Lou Taylor Pucci, Mel Raido, Simone Kessell, Jon Foster and director Gregor Jordan.

4 Comments on “The Informers @ Sundance”

  1. Thinking of our Noni ・・・ It’s like heartbreaking to me I hope Winona could be back and in good health step by step without retreating ! Big heartfelt hug to our Winona ï¼¼(^O^)/- ♪♪♪

  2. may it will get a full premiere later in April in Hollywood or New York…

    Pippa Lee however will premiere in Berlin soon and first short critic in my TV mag was positive….Keanu Reeves and Rebecca Miller will attend…also look at WZFR: a stroyboard excerpt has leaked and the scene look yummy…

  3. P.S.: I still think about going to Berlin….hope they show Pippa Lee during the last festival days (12.02 – 15.02) as I’ve to work shift the week before….)-:

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