Winona Covers Esquire UK

Friday, Aug 30, 2024
Winona Covers Esquire UK

Photos of Winona for the Autumn issue of Esquire UK have been added to the gallery!

Winona Ryder’s Songs of Innocence and Experience

Thirty-six years after the release of Tim Burton’s haunted house classic, Winona Ryder returns to the role that made her famous, in Beetlejuice Beetlejuice. For Esquire, the singular star reflects on the highs and lows of her extraordinary life and career

ESQUIRE UK – Winona Ryder is a brilliant and beautiful American woman of 52, small, warm, slightly dotty, and completely irresistible. To say that she is good company is to observe that the skyscrapers in New York, where we meet, have many floors. She is charming beyond, with a singular, freestyle approach to conversation, to life, that is by turns head-spinning, intense, and LOL funny — to herself, as much as to me or anyone else.

She has been famous since she was in her teens. She has lived a life of precarious highs and plunging lows. She is a star of a sort one seldom encounters, even in my strange job: a person engaged with the world, full of questions and thoughts about it, but also slightly distant from the everyday, a dancer to the beat of her own drum. If you are the sort of person, as I am, who venerates those people who go at things in their own way, who make their own rules, then this Winona is for you. If you ask me, she ought to be available over the counter. The world would be a better place.

(She’d doubtless roll her famous eyes at all this starstruck unctuousness, but that’s another attractive thing about her — for all her accomplishments, and her notoriety, her ego appears to be firmly under control.)
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