Turks & Caicos: New Image Released

Monday, Feb 24, 2014

A new promotional image for Turks & Caicos has been released alongside this interview with David Hare, as when he appeared alongside actors Bill Nighy and Helena Bonhan Carter at a private screening of Turks & Caicos at London’s SoHo Hotel. Check the image in larger quality in our gallery, while you read the interview below:

“I can’t stand the body count in contemporary drama. The number of killings in modern films is ridiculous, with some featuring as many as 150 deaths.”

Hare said he was determined to avoid unrealistic violence. “It’s really important to these films that I can’t personally stand the body count in contemporary drama. I just think it’s ridiculous,” he said. “I’ve seen films in which 150 people have been killed and the next day the Mayor of New York says we’re very angry about this. At what level of reality is this meant to be happening?

“I’m watching The Bridge and I know The Bridge is wonderful, but 25 people have been killed in the first four episodes and there’s no politician, there’s no media, there’s a few detectives investigating it and I just don’t believe it.”

“What I wanted to do was restore tension, what Hitchcock used to do, he never killed anybody. He always said it’s a terrible mistake to kill anyone because then all the tension’s gone, whereas now 12 people are killed in the first minute. So it’s restoring suspense. Nobody is seen with a gun because in intelligence work not many people carry guns. It’s trying to be realistic and prove that you can be just as entertaining without guns as with.”

He added: “I don’t believe that MI5 knock people off. What they do is … make the lives of the people who blow the whistle against them unliveable.”
