5 “Black Swan” Reviews To Excitedly Wake Up To

Wednesday, Sep 1, 2010

Venice Festival started today (sadly, Winona didn’t attended but go here if you want to see the other cast member’s photocall), but there’s some reviews around.

Kirk Honeycutt, The Hollywood Reporter: The movie is so damn out-there in every way that you can’t help admiring Aronofsky for daring to be so very, very absurd. “Swan” is an instant guilty pleasure, a gorgeously shot, visually complex film whose badness is what’s so good about it.

Peter DeBruge, Variety: A wicked, sexy and ultimately devastating study of a young dancer’s all-consuming ambition, “Black Swan” serves as a fascinating complement to Darren Aronofsky’s “The Wrestler,” trading the grungy world of a broken-down fighter for the more upscale but no less brutal sphere of professional ballet. Winona Ryder is a crucial but barely-there part.

Mike Goodridge, Screen: Alternately disturbing and exhilarating, this dark study of a mentally fragile performer derailed by her obsession with perfection is one of the most exciting films to come out of the Hollywood system this year.

Guy Lodge, In Contention: “Black Swan” cements Aronofsky’s place as one of the biggest and most unruly thinkers working in the only notionally small aesthetic of American independent cinema.”

Todd McCarthy, Deep Focus: “When one star is born, however, a previous one must pass by the boards, in this case the aging Beth MacIntyre, played with an almost frighteningly credible neurotic intensity by Winona Ryder that sets the bar high for Portman to match.”

7 Comments on “5 “Black Swan” Reviews To Excitedly Wake Up To”

  1. I’m really excited about this movie even thought the buzz is that Winona has an ‘intense but barely there’ part. I’m still eager to see it. She’s becoming quite a great character actress. Natalie’s great and I really like her too but I’m afraid no one will replace Noni in my heart.

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