A Scanner Darkly – RES Magazine – Trailer remix contest

Friday, May 12, 2006

Warner Independent Pictures has partnered with RES Magazine on a trailer remix contest that lets fans make their own ASD film trailers. They can submit their trailer to the contest, share with friends, post on their own pages, etc.

The contest winner will receive:
– Two tickets to the films U.S. Premiere (including roundtrip airfare, hotel, and transportation)
– Microsoft Windows 64-bit powered professional video editing workstation with Adobe Production Studio Premium featuring Premiere Pro, After Effects, Photoshop and more.

Runner-up and Audience Award winners will both receive:
– XBOX360 video game consoles
– Adobe Production Studio Standard software
– autographed A Scanner Darkly movie poster.

Check it out scanner.res.com
Official movie site: www.scannerdarklymovie.com